How can I add funds to my du Pay wallet (or cash-in)?

You have multiple ways to easily and conveniently add funds to your du Pay account

Receive money from any UAE bank account via IBAN

Simply open the app select Add funds via Bank account option. Share your IBAN and account details available on the screen with your employer/ friends who can transfer you the money via their UAE bank account.

If you want to transfer from your own bank account to du Pay wallet, simply follow the same steps as above and add your own du Pay account as beneficiary in your banking application.

Watch this video for a step-by-step tutorial on how to add funds via Bank account:

Cash In via Kiosk

You can visit any of our Kiosks/ATMs listed in the app. Our kiosk network includes kiosks of NT Payments and UPay and more will be added soon.

Once on location at the Kiosk, simply select du Pay Add Funds, enter the mobile number and the amount to be credited, insert the cash, and wait for the SMS confirmation of the deposit.

Watch this video for a step-by-step tutorial on how to add funds via Bank account:

Add funds via UAE-issued Debit Card (requires debit card linking):

Simply open the app select the Add Funds via debit card option. Then, enter amount and debit card details, confirm and enter the CVV and PIN. You will receive an SMS upon confirmation of the deposit. You can only use any Debit or Prepaid card issued in the UAE for the same.

The minimum amount allowed for cash in via card is AED 50.

Watch this video for a step-by-step tutorial on how to add funds via Bank account: